A safer way for everyone to care for themselves. This includes those I care for and those I have yet to meet. I want to empower others to care for themselves and their loved ones by using products that promote health, not more problems.

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Really Good Skincare

About Us


My Name is Jessica

Hello! My name is Jessica, and I am a homeschooling mom of two amazing little people who were the motivation for me to create a skincare line. Products I never thought I’d be the one making.

My goal is the same goal so many good parents out there have – to keep my loved ones safe and healthy. For me that directly translated into keeping them away from all the synthetic ingredients and chemicals found in even the so called “natural” products. Years ago I found that I was breaking the bank trying to buy the very best for my children. So instead, I set out to make my own products with that goal. All that has led us to where we are today…

I have been a registered nurse (RN) for the past 24 years. I realized a long time ago that there is certainly a time for medicine, but a more holistic approach is the way I wanted to go first and with every opportunity I could find. My son had very sensitive skin from the beginning. Getting tired of hearing that it was “eczema”, I decided to take matters into my own hands in the safest possible way. I looked diligently at ingredients and found that it was difficult to escape all the preservatives and chemicals that quite possibly were irritating his sensitive skin. I started by making a simple body butter which miraculously improved his condition. I was so excited and impressed with what truly natural ingredients (that I put together) could achieve that I ventured into all sorts of skin care products, including ones for my aging skin. My coffee eye cream stemmed from me getting frustrated one day with how I still had dark circles and crow’s feet after paying close to $150 a container for this “fancy eye cream”. A fancy eye cream I’d been using for 15 years. After using my own concoction for a few months, people like my eye doctor and friends were noticing and asking how the skin around my eyes was so bright. That was a solid “Win” in my book.